As always, we made our annual Jowers/Milton family trek to the beach over the July 4th holiday. We spent an awesome week in Garden City, SC soaking up some sun, digging in the sand, eating WAY too much food and generally just relaxing. Poppie, Pearlie and Aunt Jan were able to join us for part of the week so we were able to squeeze in even more great family time.
We headed out curious to see how our first road trip and stay away from home with a newly potty-trained toddler would go. Much to our surprise and excitement, we didn't have to make even one unplanned potty stop along the way. In fact, Hannah Claire did great the entire week. No accidents even though there were plenty of things to be distracted by - cousins, playing in the sand, playing in the ocean...
Boy is it nice to officially be done with diapers! Wonder how Little Miss will feel when she gets old enough to read our blog and realizes we discussed her bathroom habits on the world-wide web?! Probably as happy as all of you are right about now. :)
Ryan took some fabulous pictures so enjoy the slide show!
2024- New Years in Gulf Shores
2 months ago
1 comment:
I love the picture of Ryan and Hannah Claire on the Carosel (no idea if I spelled that right) :)
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