Will probably be a nap, or a medically induced coma. Ryan and I spend two years working our way back to averaging about 7 to 8 hours of good sleep, with maybe one or two quick interruptions a night… and then what do we go and do?
Sleepless nights, here we come. Again! We are so excited that Baby Jowers II is on the way. I’m 14 weeks today, and we’re due December 17. Needless to say, the holidays will be super exciting at the Jowers home this year. Hannah Claire will turn three (GASP!) November 27 and the little one should arrive shortly thereafter. Little miss is talking about the baby coming when Santa comes (wonder if she’ll think differently of Santa when she realizes the baby will be here to stay!). She’s already listing off all the helpful things she’s going to do for her baby brother or sister. Most importantly, she’s planning to name the baby either JoJo or Elmo. Ryan and I are working on that. For now, we're pumped that Hannah Claire seems just as happy about our growing family as we feel!