Wonder of all wonders, it snowed more than 1/2 an inch in Atlanta! In fact, I'm pretty sure we ended up with between 3 and 4 awesome inches of the white stuff. Crazy enough, this was Hannah Claire's first experience with snow. Last year, when Atlanta got a dusting, we were in South Carolina. It was quite ironic since Atlanta was supposed to get rain and South Carolina was supposed to get snow and ice. So we drove to the snow only to sit inside and watch it rain all weekend. Sad...
But this year certainly made up for it; the snow was beautiful! And Hannah Claire loved playing in it. Since it started melting yesterday, she's taken to staring longingly out the front window asking where the snow went. I'm sure she wishes it would have stayed around a little longer.
2024- New Years in Gulf Shores
2 months ago
1 comment:
Ha, the look on Hannah Claire's face is priceless in these pics.
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